Face These Depressed Days

Face These Depressed Days

I prefer to be honest It does not always serve me well. I like the jobs I miss when they ask honest answers to questions like "Have you ever been depressed or suicidal?

How are you supposed to answer those questions?

If you are in a profession, it is frowned upon that sometimes you are unbalanced. But I can tell you that I would prefer a pastor or counselor who can understand his depression, loneliness, and anxiety. That is, without direct experience, it is difficult for aid professionals to serve those who are suffering well. Of course, the skill should never be underestimated. It is not negotiable. But there is a kind of X factor in a trained assistant that went to hell and came back, which healed on the way. And we know that it is up to us to help the professionals to fulfill our tasks. We just have to accept that sometimes, and it can only last a few hours, we need a break.

Having been in hell and coming back several times for months, I can tell you that there is life beyond.

Nowadays, which is quite normal for me, I am in a monthly cycle.

Looking through the pages of an old newspaper from 2008, I was surprised at how many red flags there were. Green flags for a good morning. Red flags for bad days. Some days are so bad that there is nothing written on these pages. As if I had disappeared from my life. Other Red Flag Days I got angry, I got into business, anger, complaints and the need to escape. The other red days, there were external problems that I could not handle, maybe the struggles of my children. Still other days, I was simply confused by my mind and confused beyond belief, full of a mental fog that did not rise for hours. Of course, some days have been marked by an intuitive conflict between fear and frustration. And some days, I was so fed up with me for one or more reasons. There were so many days of red flags that year, but there are so many days of red flags every year, just like there are many days of green flags, but we are not afraid of them. We are more likely to take them for granted.

In a monthly lifestyle, there are at least two days when I feel depressed. Where there is no hope, neither life nor reason, and every vision of positivity simply disappears. I put these experiences into a mixture of spiritual wars, an unbalanced focus on my desires, and perhaps the return of past hurts and disappointments, as they slip through my psyche by heart.

Some of these days are only a few hours. And some of these days are consecutive, but rarely more than two in a row. And I always hate to smile and lie about how I feel. It depresses me more and yet if I know the person in front of me well, my goal is to trust them to be honest about how I feel. I can not, of course, increase your burden, but I recognize that many people are encouraged to know that, as a caregiver, I have my own weaknesses. We all do it

It does not matter what you do, and no matter how you feel, what you do and how you feel is acceptable.

Do not let anyone take it away.

But try not to attack people because you are weak yourself. Have the courage, to be honest. Being vulnerable We never know when our vulnerability will be an encouragement to someone. It's always a good surprise to find out. These days, you are more likely to never feel the empathy of friends and strangers. If you share with someone and they do not understand, try not to let this license go further. Adjust your expectations By rejecting your invitation to know more, which is a holy trust, they are the ones who have the problem, not you.

If we have problems with our mental health, we have more community around us than we know, because we are all "normal" until we know. We do not know who is fighting among us. And even those we are looking for do not have the dream life that we often think we have.

Adopt the fact that life is an exercise in resistance. It is easy for anyone. Everyone finds life difficult at times. And there is much more anxiety in normal life than we think.



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Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion.


Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion.

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