Male Conception Prevention Pill

Male Conception Prevention Pill

According to a scientific study, in another view, another male-preventing pill seems to be used for several months a day and has a reliable hormonal response through effective contraceptive methods. Their findings will involve 83 men and will be held on Sunday at the ENDO in 2018, the 100th annual meeting of the Endocrine Society of Chicago, Illinois.

As for the contraceptive lady, the human oral prophylaxis test - called eleven diméthandrolone or DMAU - combines androgen (androgen) like testosterone and progesterone movements, and once a day. , MD, Ph.D., University of Washington, a prescribing educator at the University of Washington.

“The DMAU has made significant progress in improving the daily “men pills”. “Many men say they switch to taking birth control pills as reversible preventives every day, rather than long-acting drugs or topical gels. Also under development. ”

The progression of male anti-pregnancy pills is hampered by the fact that, as Peggy said, oral testosterone type can cause liver damage and disappear too quickly once a day. . In this way, two measurements are required every day. However, DMAU contains undecanoate, a long-chain unsaturated fat that, according to Mr. Page, can alleviate this maneuverability. The DMAU was created by the National Institutes of Health (Eunice Kennedy Shriver, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development), which funded the survey.

The survey involved 100 healthy men between the ages of 18 and 50 and the Medical Center at the University of Washington, and at the University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center in Torrance, California (led by co-founder Christina, MD) . The examiner tried three separate DMAU measurements (100, 200 and 400 mg or mg) and two unique details (castor oil and powder). Each group included five subjects who were arbitrarily assigned to inactive sham treatment and 12 to 15 other men who received DMAU. Subjects were treated with food or counterfeit drugs once a day for 28 days. Note on the page that the DMAU must be used with food to survive.

On the first and first day of the survey, a total of 83 men completed the test, including blood tests, for hormone and cholesterol tests.

For the most surprising DMAU test, 400 mg, subjects showed "controlled concealment" of their testosterone levels and the two hormones required for sperm production. Page said that low levels of successful and reliable male contraceptives appear in long-term exams.

"Everyone has low levels of testosterone, few subjects show stable side effects, and testosterone is deficient or abundant," Page said.

All parties taking DMAU had weight gain and HDL ("big") cholesterol reduction, both of which were minor. All subjects underwent safety testing, including markers for the liver and kidneys.

"These promising results are excellent in improving male model pills," Page said. “The long-term review is currently underway, claiming that the DMAU taken every square day will produce sperm.”



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